Schedule Your Exam:

3D & Digital Mammography

Detect and Diagnose Breast Disease

3D & Digital Mammography

Detect and Diagnose Breast Disease

What Is Digital

Please do not wear any body powder, perfume, or deodorant on the day of your procedure.
If you have had a mammogram before at another facility, you will need to bring a copy of your images with you.

Mammography is an X-ray examination of the breast. It is used to detect and diagnose breast disease in women who either have breast problems such as a lump, pain or nipple discharge, as well as for women who have no breast complaints. The procedure allows detection of breast cancers, benign tumors and cysts before they can be detected by palpation (touch). Mammography is the best screening tool for breast cancer.

We also offer the newest modality of 3D mammography at some of our locations. This is patriciurlay helpful for younger women with dense breast. This is available at Virtua Willingboro Hospital and will also be offered soon in Cherry Hill.

Locations Where Digital
Mammography Are Performed

Locations Where Digital Mammography Are Performed

Virtua Health and
Wellness Center
- Cherry Hill

Virtua Health and
Wellness Center
- New Hanover

Virtua Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center

Cherry Hill, new Jersey

Lourdes Medical Center
Burlington County

Our Lady of Lourdes,
Medical Center, Camden

St. Francis Medical Center
Trenton, New Jersey

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